

A timeless and elegant woven chenille, with a subtle gold background sheen.

This collection is being phased out. Please check stock with the Sales office before specifying.

The website will be updated regularly to remove discontinued colourways.

Cachet Epernay Aubergine 177
Cachet Josselin Aubergine 176
Cachet Annecy Caramel 190
Cachet Epernay Caramel 189
Cachet Versailles Caramel 187
Cachet Epernay Midnight 185
Cachet Annecy Regent 198
Cachet Epernay Regent 197
Cachet Josselin Regent 196
Cachet Annecy Teal 174
Cachet Epernay Teal 173
Cachet Versailles Teal 171

Our Fabric Collections

VAT Registration No. 867 1961 82

Company Registration No. 5522389